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Silent genocide of girls through harmful cultural practices -Join,speak out and act

13 years ago | 4330 Views
There is a war of terror declared on girls` bodies especially in Africa. The youngest rape victim is a day old baby, the youngest married girl is aged 10 and the youngest girl to give birth is aged 9. All this devastates the lives of girls especially with HIV and AIDS pandemic still wrecking havoc and reducing the life expectancy of women to 34 years. For how can girls reach their full potential when raped and married before they are mature.

The list of gross violations of girls rights is endless- female genital mutilation, sex initiation, child brides, child marriages, rape as a weapon of war with girls as primary victims, child soldiers, rapist getting lenient sentences for perpetrators ,child labour through employing them as house maid with many paid 50 dollars per month if they are lucky to get kind employers(modern day slavery), domestication of girls through child labour, appeasing deceased with girls as compensation, breast ironing in Morocco, trafficking, HIV and AIDS myth that virgins cure HIV and AIDS, accusing child to be witches like in Nigeria, child vending during school time .I think you can list more.

Our voices are scattered. Laws are on paper and gathered dust. Conferences have been many and they tend to be talk shops.

The urgent action needed right now is a strategy where all gross violations of girls rights are declared crimes against humanity with teams of rescue mission out to stop the menace like in any situations. There is no way drought, natural disasters like earthquakes, wars and other can be treated different from a whole community silently killing girls. Gross violations of girls rights should be declared an emergency and all hotspots exposed and world agrees on action. Many in country actions have been defeated

  • Girls are in bedrooms and not classrooms- men have held them hostage
  • Girls are not in academic schools but sex schools for initiation ceremonies and female genital mutilation to prepare them for roles of wife and mother and not for career and leadership
  • Girls never exist as many are traditionally not allowed
  • Slave trade was officially banned but girls slave trade is rampant

We have formed a group on Facebook where Girl Child Network Worldwide gives the leadership and we call for girls rights activists wherever you are to come speak out and advocate for a situation where silent genocide of girls is officially declared an emergency and a genocide.Many girls lost their lives as soon as the scan results showed a girl . Many cannot make it to teenage life and their whole childhood is robbed by forced marriages and rape. The world must address rapist to child HIV transmission as much as they addressed parent to child transmission.

Our philosophy is the activism happens everywhere and every time and with everyone

Lets unite our voice and tell us what actions are happening
0 bettymakoni


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