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Mother All the way, All over, All the time-Poem by Betty Makoni

13 years ago | 4801 Views

Poem dedicated to all mothers and all good men who support mothers 

 Mother All the way, All over, All the time-Poem by Betty Makoni

Today I walked down my ten year old son to school

I held him tight by the hand and walked him on

Across the road another Mother held five year twin girls

She walked them fast but her gentleness stayed

I asked my son if the girls are twins like I do daily  with even just sisters

`They are twins mama, today you got it right`

Just like my mother and her twin sister, just a thought in my head

Even my grandma held tightly her twin daughters just like so,just a thought again

Every Mother holds their children All the way, All the time

As my son walked to class I stopped him before his morning hug

I told him I see Mothers All the way ,All the time

He nodded his head, looked at me and he said ,Mothers All over Mama


A man who impregnates may desert a child at birth

Much of  an outsider who flirts and flops

He can harass and harm, insult and orchestracise the unborn child

He can despise, degrade and finally disappears

But Mother will be there All the way, All the time

For the unborn baby and the born baby

For the dumped unborn baby and the ditched born baby

Mother is there All the way, All over and All the time


Father may choose a mistress to cuddle and caress

Just for personal pleasure, self and lust

Only time he comes back is wedding day or  graduation day

To claim what’s done is his as if there all the way ,all the time

Mother will be Mother All the way, All the time

In sickness, failure, stumbling, death and sorrow

Mother`s love is one size fits all

Mother is All over, All the time and All the way


Only one from two dozen teachers is male, my ten year old son told me

Mother Teacher always there to teach to read and write

No house stands by roof but by foundation

No Father Teacher that many digging foundation

With toddlers and infants noise, confusion, irritation and ignorance

Even more annoyed, angry and agonising

Father Lecturers only know assignments and not alignment or realignment

Mother Teacher less paid for alignment   and Father Lecturer more paid for assignment

Mother teacher All the way, All the time and All over


Ever heard of single mothers more than single fathers?

Single handedly a Mother is with child All the way, All the time

Single father evaporates, single mother stays on

All the time, All the way, All over

Married Mothers too single handedly do everything, everywhere

Single Married Mother who strives and struggles

Fathers who like football spectators just cheer or jeer

For a score its credit theirs for no score mother is jeered

Score or no score, mother All the way, All the time


As my son walks to his class, I watched him turn back to wave his hand

Ten fathers per hundred Mothers were here and there

Mothers and Mother Teachers digging the granite foundation

Elsewhere Mother vendors, Mother cleaners, Mother prostitutes, all sacrificial lambs

Mother nurses, Mother Carers, Mother corpses,

Mother Nature, Mother language,  Motherland, Mother Tongue, Mother Everything,

Mother all over, All the way, All the time

0 bettymakoni


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